Is this a regular habit then?

Advantages of writing course
- Homework - makes you write to deadlines.
- Marks - makes you feel you have achieved something.
- Other people - us writer's like the craik you know. (Spelling?)
- An excuse to say - ooh, dishes/housework/paying bills, etc - ooh no not for me, I am a writer, and am now too busy for life.
Disadvantages of writing course
- Marks - makes you over analyse your very pretty story, and bore the pants off people who have to do the -No, no, I don't think getting that mark means you are crap, and yes I like your story, ad nauseum.
One of the hardest things about explaining why you believe ME is not always related to having a type A personality, is that I am a type A personality.
I bloody well like certificates, and recognition, and to know that that weird look that lady gave me doesn't mean I am a big failure, and that getting good marks makes me a, er, more developed person. All ideal for writing of course - as long as neurosis helps form a craft, well, then, let's have more of it - sometimes you cannot get enough.
EEEEEEK. EeeeeeeK, EEEeeeEEEK. The pixie club I help run is getting inspected soon. I have enough invisible spectre's on my shoulders whispering - have you remembered to count the pixies? have you given them both fun and healthy snacks? have you solved the conundrum of safety versus risk in the games they play? etc, without a real live person coming in to put their oar in.
This week we have hit some kind of lovely calm - seriously well behaved pixies, who appear happy a lot, and I have got to play with them three days in a row. Had to eat a plastic fish cooked on a rather grimy pretend cooker - but you know, plastic fish is the new sushi.
Had to also do my 'I am very dissapointed talk' regarding a broken toy stethascope. Bzzz, bzz, say the pixies, can you hear a women moaning again?
Oh, and had to see the headteacher - told me to stop calling her Mrs, but my palms were just oozing with the conviction she would know I wasn't a manager of pixies, just a little girl pretending to be 34. She stole that thunder though - got to get health and safety in, she said, so that they don't think I'm just a wee woman being fussy. Unite wee woman, unite!
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