Inspector calls
So, as soon as an agency pixie carer came in sick, and I sent her home, whoosh! I turn round and there we are, summoned by circumstance, is our Very hard to Please Inspector.
Woo, were we inspected. It lasted two days, during which every single pixie was interviewed, all the staff were quizzed and several debates were had. That was me - after last year, I decided I would speak up when asked to do something I disagreed with. So, by day three, when you get the Big Chat, my knees were knocking. This is when you find out all you thought you might be doing right, but weren't. Don't get me wrong, the Inspectors do a good job, but there is so much controversy in Pixie care, and we get so many conflicting pieces of advice, it is really hard to know whose recommendation to follow.

I am friends with the police, social work, environmental health, public health, local pixie care agencies, various headteachers, etc, and I could spend all day trying to find out the legally correct procedure to put in a policy. In fact make that all week.
Bet they cheer when I call - I asked public health for information in writing last week, but they said they were too busy, and why wouldn't a verbal do? I used my best, best manager voice to explain why a verbal wouldn't do. Soon, they'll barr my calls.
Well, then me and my top Pixie leader (my boss), got a verbal thumbs up from the Inspector. We were like, what? Eh?
So, I told her I had a disability when I was asked how we adapted games for disabled children, and that this made me very adaptable. My boss said her face was a picture, and that she looked like she was dying to ask what my mysterious malfunctioning part was. I told her we taught the children's charter by drama, coz it was more fun. We did do this, but it was so we could do it without acting like teachers. We acted like awful said the pixies.
Three tonnes of worry fell off as soon as we realised - we were finished, and fully bona fide inspected. Literally three tonnes - I weighed it. Pheeeeooow.
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