Thursday, June 05, 2008


Just now, I have been signed off work for a week. I feel dreadful.

When I heard the news about dad, I felt as though I was being punched right in the middle, so hard, it was like having a car plough through my solar plexus. Now, I look ok on the outside, but on the inside I feel sick. My heart feels bumpy. My stomach feels tight. And I have this anxious ball of sludge that keeps overwhelming my system, over and over.

I can work, but just not right now. I feel unable to cope with the shaky feeling that comes just having a normal discussions, never mind the billion things I need to remember to keep the pixies ok.

Cards, texts, calls, sharing your news, sharing your losses - ok all of them are the correct medicine. I already knew life was finite - our family lost our mum eleven years ago. I already knew to regard relationships as precious, but this is the absolute reminder. We all loved dad and we will all miss him so much.

Many people live without their parents - and that is the full result of this loss - that our family has no Big Person to go to who will listen, fix things or be in charge when we can't. It's an exposed position. I feel raw - like a tooth nerve in the open. The change it makes to you is hard to define. You want to tell people to cling to their family and keep in contact - to salvage bonds where ever possible.

But, families are not like that - they are messy, and often, the very adults people look to for support - are not available for them. There is more than one way of losing your parents. Caring for a mum who had lost herself to Alzheimer's, or for a dad lost to drink is also a loss of what is admittedly often a perception, but a real loss.

Nobody wants to be fully in charge - the challenge in marriage is often part of this realisation that we all want someone close to call mummy or daddy, and sometimes we want that from those close to us. Then, like the kid in us likes to do - we then turn round and say that we have changed our mind - and we don't need a parent thank you, we are all grown upped thank you.

I have had a lot of conversations with people about living as a community in the church recently. The very bonds that we break to get away to find ourselves in a big city, are the very bonds we wonder what to do without. I know the thought for many people that the church is a community is ridiculous - because how can an organisation that has so many politics and strange traditions be a family. I have no answers - but it's interesting so many people crave the belonging. Family life can be crazy - and there are times to tie them firmly to your heart - and times when in order to love, or survive - you have to break away.

I am divorced - and I know how even if you try your darndest - not every relationship is rescuable. The bible talks about trying to live in peace to your best ability. It also talks about people crazy enough to sell their possessions to benefit each other. Somehow - one man's resurrection was to inspire people to reverse the concept of living for yourself - the church is a body. That means - all bits work together. Christians in many denominations are now wrestling with this - what does that mean - how do you do that?

My boyfriend and I have several decisions we are looking at right now - as both of us are heart committed to the idea of a community church, where Christ is central, and where the ability to be open to God's direction is real. Both of us have the same dreams with different skins on - and we hope we can build together whatever God asks us to do.

The Best Pep Talk Ever
Primary seven pixie to group of pixies doing fun run - 'Run like horses!, no - run like the goat!'

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