Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Allergy, work and a plethora of advice and a grievance

Ok, it has taken till Feb to get OH appointment. The doctor was the one I saw in Sept. ALL the medical notes are missing. She almost said sorry. I took MIL in as witness. We discussed the number of times being sent home, etc, and she said - I will write and ask that you be in an environment where there is no perfume and aftershave. I will also suggest a phased return as you have relapsed.

Her report says she is concerned about me being able to work long term. Relapse aside - I could work part time in an environment where people do not wear perfume or aftershave, and I was kept away from a couple of other triggers - this is not impossible. Now, I get told, ok until the environment is made safe - you are coming off medical suspension, and now you are off sick. How, I asked the HR dept, am I to get a doctor to sign me off - the OH have said I am fit as long as the environment is changed and the return is phased. She said she would be interested to see what the GP wrote.

Spoke to ACAS who said - write back and say - I cannot provide sick notes as I am fit to work. So I did. Eek.

I spoke to a legal team and they said, raise a grievance. So I am. Eeek.

I had asked HR if I was in a wheelchair and they couldn't fix a ramp so I was sent home, would I need to send in sick lines, and they said - we will not answer that. Your case is being judged on its merits.I am doing all this in my pyjamas. I'm just a little lady. I had the phone put down on me, because I said - I am angry. Apparently, that is abuse.

I'm running out of chains of command.

Told ACAS, do you want a laugh? I said my allergy doctor had said - I think you should stay at home and be a housewife. I said, I had to tell all my principles I was taking them home in a bag, as I'd run out of fight after an hour of chat.

Actually, what she said was this - go home, and get pregnant. Potentially more positive than the nurse who said -'How will you cope if you have a baby!?', and yes, it is good to hear that if I was pregnant then it might help my immune system even if temporarily. Apparently, according to this nurse (the only disabled pre-pregnancy nurse I've heard of), I do not have God's right to ask people to not wear perfume, and I full of imaginary mummy boldness said - yes I do.

However, apparently three years of management can be reduced to this - oh, well, never mind, chain yourself to the sink, for goodness sake. No pressure of course, on a couple who would very much like children but do not hold a holy grail in fertility promises.

Thank you homeopathic hospital and acupuncture man. Five sessions with needles (cost £140) and I am no longer requiring 13 hours sleep. The homeopathic Dr said - I can hear this is such a struggle, I know it was hard for you even to get in today for this appointment, I will treat you in my allergy clinic, and I have seen multi sensitive people improve. Thank you everyone who made the wedding so much fun, and possible, and with wheelchair assistance when I was biting my hand to stop clunking over.

The best image that stays with me yet, is arriving at my sisters house, before Christmas and she is cleaning her toilet with scent free baby wipes, and drinking wine. Ingenious, and the best perfume free inventive adjustment I saw all that season.


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