Sunday, November 30, 2008

Allergy 2.

Here are some of the issues - I was told by an allergy nurse, I was not covered under the DDA. Thankfully, my work don't think like that - however during the medical, I made my allergies clear. The stuff I'm allergic to however - is what people wear, everyday. So, whose rights win - can a workplace say - well, we can ask people not to wear scent, but they have a right to say no?I can see both sides of the issue - I really can. I can understand people get offended. I am fully aware - it can't be controlled because everything is perfumed these days. I know - I get on a bus, and I wear a big scarf so I don't feel ill;everywhere I go I can get ill simply by breathing. But, there are workplaces in America and Canada who have gone perfume free, totally. Partly so they don't get sued.

Anyone with asthma, migraine, MCS, fibro, etc could also be made ill. I am aware every meeting I have, of just how much I want to challenge people's thinking, not just on the allergy issue. On, why when I asked for what I needed after the first collapse, it took weeks for action to happen - then we had collapses 2 and 3. I think about how I should not have had to chase up my own PEEP. And how scared I am - I am scared to listen to lots of people discuss solutions, and that I may have to try them to make them feel better; or maybe that is the gracious thing to do, that it will make people think,and come uo with viable solutions. That I worry I will take any solution they offer - even if it means giving out a poor message about how disabled people would like to be fully accommodated, not be made sicker by the workplace, and not treated like a social pariah for needing an adaptive environment. i.e. the how about we put you in a desk away from everyone else solution.

I want to advocate for me - but I don't want to say things that make it harder for other people in the future. And preferably without pissing people off. Yes, the whole cake and eat it scenario. The thing that really struck the heart of fear in me was - well, we will have to consult with our experts. What experts?


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