Work; how to have healthy relationships.
If someone phones you at work and asks to speak to the union rep, and you don't know where they are, and you offer to help, and the caller says, I really need to speak to a union rep, and I don't want to discuss my situation as it's a health matter - it may not be in you best interests to
a) speak to your colleague within earshot of the phone, and say - what a bitch that caller is.
b) then discuss word for word everything you have discussed with the caller with your colleague.
c) do nothing about the enquiry.
d) when you get back on the phone and you speak to the caller again who asks for your name, and your managers name, and then pretend to transfer the caller, but then not really.
Well, if that's what you would do - then at least try and work somewhere where they have no dignity at work policy, or an HR department who would go ballistic to hear one of the staff is not clever enough to say bad things without putting the caller on hold first.
Thanks to Elizabeth, J and J and M, who are at the forefront of my mind, as I pretend they are sitting next to me, as I have to gather up my shaky self, and then speak to the union regarding the matter I neede to discuss in the first place, preferably without - what a bitch you are stuff in between.
Labels: crazy talk, relationships, work
Wow, you really do have the life don't you. Congrats on making the call - and I am sorry that had to happen to you - I mean, you deserve the rights of those yahoos too right, but you didn't go, "Oh yeah, is this the bastard I had earlier or the slow swimming sperm he was talking to?" - see, because you work in a nice office which is supposed to go according to the UK and the EU regulations which are actually rather strict about calling someone a name which clearly indicates it is discrimination based on sexual orientation (EOC AGAIN!) - I would put that guy into 'accomodation in the workplace' training until he didn't know what month it was.
Thanks to you, I am getting on the phone tomorrow and talking to some interesting people. The Government Minister of Labour and Citizen Services is probably going to be my first call, followed with Health Services. Ahh, the joys of having a professional sounding title, and very good research skills (these people are ALWAYS on boards of charities, and give contact numbers!)
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