Eeny, meeny, miny, mo

This post is not meant to sound bitter. But if it sounds p*****d off then that's ok.
This cartoon sums up so much. Things I could do today
1. Sort out mess WTC left me in. I have their money, it's hard to calculate what I owe them especially when they send me two letters, same info, different financial outcome. Which calculation of yours would you like me to put into mine?
2. Phone hotel for a party we are all having and explain allergies, and sensitivity to strobe in disco just in case.
3. Phone cleaners again to say - well, the stairs were not cleaned with water, as you suggested, but pine cleaner again. That one was a bitter remark; they have not done that yet, it's just a knee jerk reaction from last time.
4. Phone equality and human rights people, and union rep, and access to work - and discuss potential impending action as I refuse to send sick lines, and I suspect, prepare to fight for job.
5. Phone nurse who said she would give us an appointment for nurse again, and ask when it is, as we think it's this week.
Number four is the priority. Now, I have had lots of time recently, but most of it was spent recovering from a relapse. I have ME, my concentration is often very poor, and I have learnt how to hide it. I want to tell all the doctors, etc, sometimes the effort it takes to have long, boring nonsensical conversations about what I need, and oh, yes it is complicated. I have files of stuff ready for each organisation I deal with. Get sick, and you get a free part time job called - file it, keep it, be prepared to write about it regularly. And have good phone skills.
I am not actually a good self advocate - by which I mean, I'd rather hide in a cave sometimes than confront people. I also have intermittent collapsing that is made worse by tiredness, and other triggers, and that just spices up the whole mix.
I want a life of NOT having to say guess who I am fighting now?
Next week, J and I go to see a GP to discuss why the last GP I saw said - your case is very interesting, I am going to talk to all the other doctors, and read all your files and see if we can do anything else - why are you collapsing like this. She left the surgery two weeks later, and left no note in my file to state her intentions. I had this from the asthma test guy - I will contact the allergy specialist to discuss your medications. So, to hear again - I will help, oh, no I won't - hurt.
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