Pink Balloons should be on the NHS

Enter very late lady in a roomful of pixie care people, 99.9% women. We look after the age 4-12's pixies, and let me tell you, most managers of this ilk - you would not want to mess with. We don't look like headteachers. We look like we are made of a bit rougher granite, and you sure as heck don't want a Time Out from us, because by gum, we mean it. However, our hearts are softer granite - and we usually come with nice bosoms and the look that says I work bloody hard in my job - and believe me, pixie carer's do. They all worry they are doing the right thing, and I think parent's would be shocked the level of paperwork, sweat, blood, tears, sleepless nights and Prozac it takes to run a pixie club.
(I don't know if I look like granite - but I know my look is fairly fierce - so I presume it rubs off you. )
But, then I discover I've had half an hour training (this is the form, fill it in, like it says on the form) and suddenly we are networking around the stalls. Which I do like mad to justify my representative skills. And then it's upstairs for lunch. Oh, goes my eyes - this'll be the restaurant then.
There were no sandwiches! It was the poshest lunch I've eaten in years. Now the guilt is sweating out me - I miss most of the training, and now I get a free beautiful lunch! Believe me - this has never happened to me as a manager before. It was fab.

Post inspection eve, I came down with the very sickness virus I'd been bugging Public Health for info about. And when I say down, I mean slaughtered. My family came the next day for lunch (three cheers for my niece, just because she is so very beautiful!). Then two days of bed rest/wall crawling around the flat which had me all weepy and wanting to nail the floor straight to stop it wobbling - well let's say it was a jolly good time to have a FREE YUMMY LUNCH.
So, when I came home from work with a very good friend I was too busy describing the menu to really take in the pink helium balloons in my hall. When I walked into my living room and saw my friends there and lots of balloons - well, I don't know who got the biggest surprise - coz I made a very loud response. A wonderful surreal moment, that will stay with me, as a very happy memory to have in your head. I'm 30something this year, and I have not been looking forward to it at all.

Thank you to all the generous people who made my pink balloon day happen - so pretty.
Today the pixies threw me a surprise party - which was full of 'Cover her eyes, no COVER them, no I'm covering them, NO IAM, now walk towards the door coz the candles are you know...oh, right, no, stop, NO looking!'
I have been given a painted canvas by a 6 yr old - and it is gorgeous. Her mummy persuaded her to write -'You are the best ever', instead of 'It's a shame about your age,' in my card.

'But mummy,' she said, 'It is.'
Sometimes when a rollercoaster has been rocking - your friends help you to see the twisty fun bits at the top.